To order via the website simply add your items to the basket and proceed to checkout. If for any reason you are having any trouble ordering online please contact Customer Care on 0333 240 0155 or contact us here.

If you would like to place an order by telephone please call Customer Care on 0333 240 0155. If you are calling to place an order, please have your card payment details ready.

We currently accept Visa, Mastercard, Solo, Switch/ Maestro, American Express, Visa Delta as well as Paypal, Google Pay, Apple Pay and Shopify Pay as valid payment methods. Your transaction will be processed by Shopify Payments in a secure environment. If you pay by credit or debit card, the total order amount will be charged to your card at the checkout. 

We process orders quickly to get your parcel to you as soon as possible therefore we regret that we are unable to cancel or amend your order once the order has been placed. If you wish to return an item, inside your parcel you will find a delivery and returns leaflet which details how to return items to us. Read more about returns here.

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