Luzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - Brass Luzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - Brass Luzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - Brass Luzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - Brass Luzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - Brass Luzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - Brass Luzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - Brass
Luzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - BrassLuzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - BrassLuzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - BrassLuzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - BrassLuzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - BrassLuzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - BrassLuzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - Brass

Luzon Iron & Mango Wood Display Coffee Table - Brass

Trade Price : £447.50

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Product Description

Our Luzon coffee table is an effortlessly classic piece. The stylish glass and brass-plated iron design has a sophisticated appeal, complemented by the two removable mango wood and woven cane trays that add interest as well as functionality to this statement piece. Style the bottom trays with found treasures or stack neatly with books, keeping the top clear for candles and a few favourite decorative objects.

Product Details
Product SKU
Dimensions (h x w x d)
45 x 120 x 70cm
Iron & Mango wood
Country of origin
Care Instructions

Please take care when handling or moving furniture, as careless handling may result in damage or injury.This product should only be used on firm and level ground and not placed in areas of extreme heat. . Do not strike the glass with hard or pointed items.To care for your glass, use a glass cleaner or wash in warm soapy water. Metal surfaces can be cleaned using a damp cloth. Do not use anything abrasive, or use harsh chemicals on the glass or metal as this may damage the surface of the product. Dry and polish with a soft non-abrasive cloth

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Metalsmithing & craftwork

Metal is a form of artistry and it can take on many forms whether using iron, brass or aluminium, each material ultimately relies on the skill of the artisan who shapes it.

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